And a picture of him and his three sons!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
And a picture of him and his three sons!
November 26, 2009
Well, it was a WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL day! We decided that just because it was the four of us that we would not just have a couple of things. So we had a big turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, Marilyn's pink stuff, cranberry salad, a wonderful fruit mixture inside a small pumpkin, veggies and dip, wine, coffee, pumpkin pie and cherry pie and rolls! Ok what did I miss? We laughed and shared and laughed some more. We played a card game called "Golf" and laughed some more.
Now we have been friends with Marilyn and Howard for 30+ years. We exchange birthday gifts and Christmas gifts. Well this year we kinda got behind in the birthdays, but decided we would do them today. I opened mine before Marilyn. I read the card (had to control my face) - I opened the gift (had to control my face). I'm thinking Marilyn probably thinks I don't like it. Then Marilyn opened her gift. She opened the card and burst out laughing so hard, she almost fell off the couch ---- she then opened her gift and the laughter continued until tears flowed! You guessed it, we got each other the SAME card and the SAME gift!!!!! PRICELESS!!!!!
I hope you all had as wonderful and relaxing Thanksgiving as I did. God bless you all. I am so very thankful for so many things this evening, but the blessings of friendship is truly a blessing.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
The rest of the pictures are just some of my favorite ones!
Monday, October 19, 2009
This was a time I just could not dismiss! HOW IN THE WORLD DID THIS HAPPEN???? Wait a minute!!!!!! This child was just born!!! I know he was!!! I bought baby clothes, shoes, toys!!! Yes, I did... But THEN!!! There was puzzles, legos, trains & THEN!!! video games, movies, bicycles, THEN!!!! X-box games! THEN! Cell phones, Rock Band, etc.......... In a blink, I truly wonder where did the years go!!! I can only imagine how my son & dil feel - because I have lived this "where did it go" 3 times......They are just beginning.....I feel for them & and at the same time - they will be experiencing such a wonderful time in their life..... So just roll with it & enjoy!
Monday, October 5, 2009
36 Years ago Sean Michael entered this world. Sammi had to be a C-section, and when they were deciding the day, they tried to work out another day, but for several reasons, the 5th was the day! So 4 years ago today Sammi entered this world.
Sean will really kill me when he sees the picture I put on the blog of him, but hey I love the smile. AND today he is in Vegas for a trade show for his business. So I call him this morning to tell him Happy Birthday & Vegas is 3 hours behind us......SO his phone rang around 4 AM this morning.....No wonder he didn't answer it!!!!!!! See what happens when you don't tell Mom EXACTLY what time and what day you will be there!!!! Expect the phone to ring at 4 AM!
Have a wonderful day son....I love you!!!!!!
AND, if that is not enough on October 5th ------- Yup, there is more!!!!!!!
Sean and Jen got married 7 years ago today on October 5th!!!!!!! So Happy Anniversary!!!!!!
AND Jen's birthday is Wednesday - October 7th......................So for one week, it is just one big party at their house!!!!!! Well basically I believe that Sean & Jen's birthday and their anniversary has now just all turned into a Happy Birthday party for Sammi :-) AND I believe she would tell you that too :-)
Sometimes, if they are a girl short, the coach will let her practice, and this is her "Put me in coach, I'm ready to play" look!!!!
Friday, August 28, 2009
One thing I know FOR SURE is that family IS!!!! We are forever - whether we like it or not, we are tied together. No matter what! If you get along or if you don't.....If you agree or if you don't....If you love or if you don't......What it really comes down to is ......Family. We laugh, we fight, we cry, we yell, we scream, we alienate, we hate, we profess undying threats against one another...... we agree that one is wrong, while we believe we are right. Ultimately what do we want....we do want family..... At least that is what I want to believe.
Family IS: It just is: Nothing more nothing less! AND over my years, this I know for sure, family doesn't have to mean "blood". I have difficulty that family denotes name or blood, because I have not found that to be true. I have "SISTERS" that I have known for 10 years thru internet, but have never met, but they truly are my sisters. How we met is for another day! We love each other, nurture each other, help and care and devote our time to each other...we have been together thru death, marriage, birth, divorce, separation, and know more about each other that in some cases, we know about each other's families & THIS I KNOW FOR SURE..... we are not blood.................but WE ARE FAMILY....WE ARE SISTERS....
And what I know for sure on this day and any other if you were to ask me....Is that FAMILY IS!!!!!!!!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
The Photographer
She has started doing underwater photography and I think it is fantastic! This next picture is of my son Stephen and grandsons O & A! I do believe that she won a contest with this picture!
I want her to do a picture of my granddaughter Sloan with the long hair underwater cause I think the long blonde hair underwater would be beautiful. What do you think Tammi???
This is a picture of grandson AJ -- Isn't this cool! And I love that you can see his face & also his feet and legs!!!!! She really is "all that" when it comes to photography and definitely has her own style! I think she is fantastic, and I really don't tell her that enough. Like I said before, just check out her blog......
Friday, August 14, 2009
Gramma always checks out the hummingbirds each morning when she opens the blinds.....well this morning the sunshine was shining just the right way and look what I found! Not the bushes, but.....................
but a second web right next to the hummingbird feeder! I hurried up and grabbed my camera, and never thought they would turn out enough to share with you, but I think you can see that Gramma's Charlotte did a pretty good job. Now it doesn't spell anything about Wilbur, but I'm just sure Gramma's Charlotte was a busy spider all night long & wonder if Gramma's Charlotte did both webs????????
Whichever it was, you have to admit that those spiders were busy, busy, busy! I thought the hummingbird would get tangled in the web, but fortunately that didn't happen! Gramma would have to have rescured her. Or him! :-)
Thursday, August 13, 2009
I'm assuming Mama Swan at the back of the bunch, cause she will "really" be taking care of the fam........ and they stroll.......................
And they have to cross a small walking path & then this pic is in the neighbors back yard and they are on the way to the lake. Hopefully you can see that!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
I love Peaches! Peach cobbler, peach perserves,
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
A Broken Leg and a Broken Spirit
He was at 2nd base for a double play, runner came from 1st base and slid into his leg. He will be non-weight bearing for 6-8 weeks and who knows from there.
He definately will not be playing basketball this year and we are hopeful that come spring he can play baseball. He starts High School in four weeks. Now you understand why he is one sad little puppy. It breaks my heart to see him to sad. AND the fact that he just doesn't feel good. He still hurts and has trouble sleeping.
This happened on a Tuesday nite and on Saturday he was there for his team for their last tournament. He was wheeled out to toss the coin.
Monday, June 29, 2009
This is Sammi and older sister Sloan on their way to school. They are "The Girls" as I call them. Typical sisters - love each other one minute - screeming at each other the next! God bless my son and DIL in the years to come. My son had better have a BIG baseball bat to beat the boys off :-) No never mind - Sammi will probably do that!!!!
Mr. T will be 2 years old on July 10th! He is the youngest of my 7 grandbabies! He was the smallest baby. Actually he was not small as he weighed 7# 11 oz, but he was all skinny arms & legs! He still looks a bit like that today even though he eats like a horse!
Here are a few of my favorite pics of this wonderful kid!
He is the youngest of three boys in his family. AND because of that he is as tough as nails. Can get knocked down, and just like that is up and moving about! He - like his brothers - likes cars and trains!!!!! AND loves to wreck the train tracks his brothers make, and that is why he gets locked out of their rooms quite a bit :-)
I love the sweetness of this pic and even in black and white you can still the beautifulness of her eyes!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Emmily's Recital
Thursday, May 28, 2009
The Beautiness of Spring
I know Beautiness is really not a word, but this I know for sure, Spring is a time for Beauty. Also my favorite time of year because of the re newness of life for plants, animal kingdoms, flowers, and should be for all mankind. Also a time for reflection for the long winter we have just endured (can you tell I am in Ohio) and for the wonderfulness of what is ahead. These are a discovery for me, in that having moved here after the Spring, did not experience the explosion of color in God's kaleidoscope, and the other thing, is that I do not know what many of these plants, trees are........Wanda this is where you will come in handy!
I think these are such a beautiful color, but noone knew what they were.
This I call Herman! It was given to me by a man named Herman, and I placed him where he could watch over the patio and the other flowers!
Some beautiful daffodils
They told me this was a purple cherry something or another .... really know am I really showing what little I know........All I REALLY know and for sure of, it was Beau-ti-ful
Loved these little purple flowers, they were just so delicate
This they tell me is a wild rose. AND they do tell me that the probability of it blooming is NILE.... It has grown since this picture, and they are probably right. Why would anyone plant a rose beside a tree. Who knows how it got there, but don't think it will do anything, and that makes me sad :-(