Monday, June 29, 2009


This is Samantha: AKA: Sammi - Sam ------ They broke the mold when she was born! She is such a character. More about Sam later, but as I was thinking, she is the only one of my grandchildren that are not on the blog. So I wanted you to meet Sammi!!!!!!!!

This is Sammi and older sister Sloan on their way to school. They are "The Girls" as I call them. Typical sisters - love each other one minute - screeming at each other the next! God bless my son and DIL in the years to come. My son had better have a BIG baseball bat to beat the boys off :-) No never mind - Sammi will probably do that!!!!

Gramma loves you girls & misses you even more!


Since I was belated in posting Sloan's birthday post, I figured I would be ahead of myself with Tyler. I will not be at my computer on Tyler's birthday, and in fact, my computer has to go in for some serious work - they are thinking virus - so I wanted to make sure I got this done. I will be visiting my sister in Illinois on T's birthday.

Mr. T will be 2 years old on July 10th! He is the youngest of my 7 grandbabies! He was the smallest baby. Actually he was not small as he weighed 7# 11 oz, but he was all skinny arms & legs! He still looks a bit like that today even though he eats like a horse!

Here are a few of my favorite pics of this wonderful kid!

He is the youngest of three boys in his family. AND because of that he is as tough as nails. Can get knocked down, and just like that is up and moving about! He - like his brothers - likes cars and trains!!!!! AND loves to wreck the train tracks his brothers make, and that is why he gets locked out of their rooms quite a bit :-)
I absolutely love these babylegs they now make for babies who are crawling! What a neat thing! It protects their knees. But he looks adorable in them!!!!!

Love the seriousness of his eyes in this picture. That stillness doesn't last long!

Loved this picture with the striped hoodie! I could just gobble that face up - and have many times, and can't wait to do it again!!!!

This is a picture of Tyler and his brothers Owen (6) and AJ (5). They love him to pieces - most of the time & he loves them to pieces - most of the time! They had better get their shoving and pushing in while they can, because this tough nut is going to make them pay someday!

I LOVE YOU Mr. T & I will miss not being able to be with you on your birthday! When Gramma gets there, we will go to the mall and buy one of those BIG suckers that you love so well!!!!! HUGS AND KISSES COMING YOUR WAY!


This is my precious big, blue eyed Sloan! Gramma owes her a HUGH apology because I did not have her on my blog on her birthday. I have excuses, but none valid enough to not post on Sloan's birthday. I feel so bad :-( Sloan was a big 5 years old on May 30! These are just a few of my favorite pics of Sloan starting with the first when she was 15 months old! Love her potails!

I love the sweetness of this pic and even in black and white you can still the beautifulness of her eyes!
This girl is Smart - Sensitive - Stylish (even at the age of 5) - Silly - Shy - Singer - and as you can see in these next two pictures: SASSY - but in a good way :-)

Have always loved these pictures because her blue outfit brings out her big, blue eyes!

Her favorite color is PINK, PINK, and then PINK! But I love her in blue!

So with her curled hair, she is a big 5 years old! She is now ready to start first grade in the fall, and is SO ready to ride the bus like the big girl she is!!!! I LOVE YOU Silly girl. You make my heart Sing and my Spirit Soar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Kyle - the baseball player - the - "I'll take a picture, but it's not cool to smile" Kyle. I love this picture of Kyle in his catcher's gear - and he stood there (not willingly) so his mother could take his picture, and then I made a comment about how cute he is & this was his reaction: It may not be too clear, but there is a smile there :-) Now put your helmet on and Go Play Ball!!!!!!!


I have got to figure out how to do spellcheck on these blogs! When I started this I noticed that I had "stuttered" and spelled Emily with two 'M's & thinking I would go back and change it, but alas I got so busy downloading pics I forgot!!!! So here is a big sorry to Em - although she would not really care. But her name is EMILY!!!! And she is MY DIVINE MISS M............

Emmily's Recital

My Granddaughter Emily's recital was on June 5th and these are a few photos. The theme this year was Dancing Decades. She said I would especially like the finale because there was an Elvis song. That girl know her Gramma! She was in 5 dances. Each year she gains another. God bless her Mom & Dad for the expense of those costumes! She has been dancing for 8 years now and says she will go through High School!
These are not in order - I'll learn how to do this someday! The blue T-shirt is her finale number - Jazz & Tap - Love the Hip Hop outfit & 'really' love the "Goldie Hawn" look-a-like outfit with the white boots! It was a LONG night, but we had fun!
How long was it you asked?????The first act had 40 numbers - then a 15 minute intermission - and Act Two had 29 numbers, and then the Finale. Each number was about 3 minutes long -- I'll let you do the math!!!! But we are done UNTIL next year when she will probably have 7 or 8 dances!