Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Beautiness of Spring

I know Beautiness is really not a word, but this I know for sure, Spring is a time for Beauty. Also my favorite time of year because of the re newness of life for plants, animal kingdoms, flowers, and should be for all mankind. Also a time for reflection for the long winter we have just endured (can you tell I am in Ohio) and for the wonderfulness of what is ahead. These are a discovery for me, in that having moved here after the Spring, did not experience the explosion of color in God's kaleidoscope, and the other thing, is that I do not know what many of these plants, trees are........Wanda this is where you will come in handy!

I think these are such a beautiful color, but noone knew what they were.

This I call Herman! It was given to me by a man named Herman, and I placed him where he could watch over the patio and the other flowers!

Some beautiful daffodils

They told me this was a purple cherry something or another .... really know am I really showing what little I know........All I REALLY know and for sure of, it was Beau-ti-ful

Loved these little purple flowers, they were just so delicate

This they tell me is a wild rose. AND they do tell me that the probability of it blooming is NILE.... It has grown since this picture, and they are probably right. Why would anyone plant a rose beside a tree. Who knows how it got there, but don't think it will do anything, and that makes me sad :-(

So even tho we are a bit past spring, it seems as tho it has just begun here and I'm loving it.....Before we know it, I'll be posting something about summer, and be complaining about the hot weather that we have waited so long for.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Scott is my first born and today he is 42 years old. WOW how did that happen. Seems like it was only yesterday when he started Kindergarden and I was dragging him through the door. The boy hated school from the first day of Kindergarden to the time he graduated from High School! For most of his life he was known as "Scottie". The nurses gave him that name when he was born because of his blonde hair. I intended on calling him Glenn because that is his first name, but "Scottie" stuck and as he grew older Scott became the name. We also call him "Bob Villa" because he can fix anything from repairing mini blinds to putting in a new water tank. AND he can also fix anything that goes wrong with your car. If he has trouble with fixing something, he continues until he has fixed it. He always says that "It won't kick his butt" .....

And he even does laundry and dishes and cooks! He is a loving husband, and a wonderful, sensitive father to my two grandchildren, and I love that about him. He has the cutiest grin that I just love & it has an 'evil' look to it when he is joking around.. as you can tell from the picture!

Today his birthday will be spent coaching his son's baseball game and I know that is something that he really enjoys getting to do.

With so very much love, I wish you a Happy Birthday and a wonderful day. I am so very proud of you!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 22, 2009


This is Mr. Chipmunk. He is sitting on a rock speaker. We have not figured out to hook them up yet, but Mr. Chipmunk thinks this is his throne and sits quite majestically there for all to see. Yesterday I was standing in the yard, and felt something bump against my foot, and after it scared me to death, I looked and it was Mr. Chipmunk. Obviously, I was in his way.

This is Mr. Toad. He is a resident here at Emerald Lakes. He lives by the corner decorative pond in the back yard. So he - and I am assuming that it is a he - No self-respecting female Toad would be this ugly :-) So you Grandbabies can tell me what to name him. And he is quite friendly - he will sit and look right at you and never move until you almost step on him.
So Grandchildren it is your job to name these creatures. I hope you enjoy them. They truly are funny in their own way. God sure did have a sense of humor when he created some creatures..........