Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Think Twice

OK! Having foot surgery has had lots of learning -- lots of negative unfortunately and some positive. AND I truly am ashamed of myself for the negative being more powerful on the scale. I truly am on the positive end of the scale. Having said that---- Christmas season - shopping --- let's see -- Target, Wal-Mart -- great shopping places for me. Now in all of this, I have a wheelchair & a temp handicap sticker....Easy you say.....Well Bill's parks, goes into the stores, asks for the motorized chairs --- Guess What???? Already in use! OK. Bill comes back out, we get the wheelchair out, or one the store already has. Now what I would like to do is just to rumble around the store by myself, but I can't do that cause I don't have a cart & I have a manual wheelchair, so.............Bill & I stroll....Now the kicker - have you been waiting for this in all this rambling??????

In my life, I have always battled with weight. So in my house our "F" word was Fat & we never used that word..... But the people who were using the motorized wheelchairs were the overweight people. Now, I should not be judgemental - maybe they had health reasons, and if they did, I'm truly sorry! OK so maybe it was just as hard for them to walk as it was me, so I should not be judgemental.......

AND - another thing! We are talking about the wheelchair/handicap thing: I go to the bathroom in Target (in a wheelchair) and where am I to go.....the handicap stall....BUT, Oh Wait..someone is already in there, so I sit, and sit, and sit. I try to go in another one, but wheelchair doesn't cooperate! A Target employee says, "You can go in the Family Bathroom" & helps me out and I go there.

Moral of the story: I have gone in the handicap stall, even if the other stalls were empty, but after this, I won't be doing that anymore! Just a lesson in humility & one that makes one say......I truly am so fortunate and grateful!!!!!!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Happy Friday! Today is my DIL's birthday. So happy birthday Megan!!! Have a wonderful day!!!!!

A major accomplishment! Today I have all my fall stuff put away! Yeah!!! What a relief - now we will be trying to put up some Christmas stuff & at this rate it will be February before it comes down :-)

Had to be out of the house yesterday for a stress test, and once I got out I didn't want to come back home. It was WONDERFUL being out and being around people again! Bill said I talked to anyone and everyone & a lot of people said "Oh you poor thing, having that boot on at the holidays" and then the conversation would start! My son Sean & fam skyped last evening, and I talked their ear off. Another thing you don't know you miss until you don't have it: Conversation......

Have a great day & smile :-) Light a candle. Pray for world peace and for inner peace, which is where all peace begins.

Monday, December 1, 2008


My DIL Jen told me she could hear the depression in my posts, so I promised her I would be more upbeat -- thanks for caring Jen :-)

Today is the 1st day of December, and to say the lease I am feeling a bit overwhelmed at Christmas being right around the corner. So I am taking a deep breath and have decided that what gets done, gets done and that that doesn't, just doesn't! Very profound, yes????

I was reading an article in yesterday's Sunday paper which addressed this very issue. I'm thinking God put in there just for me to read. It had lots of good things, and I may share with you all of them, but today the one that struck me was this one.

What to cut on your holiday list:

Anything that isn't meaningful, magical, or memorable. Anything that doesn't bring you or anyone else joy, peace or love.

Now I know we will all try to do that, and then before you know it we will be caught up in the whirlwind. I just thought it was a beautiful statement and wanted to share.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Bathing and Hair Washing

One more thing I know for sure. We take so many things in our lives for granted. We never think about flipping on a light switch, but just let the power go out and we are so inconvenienced & we flip that switch all the time. Same goes for when something happens in ones life that prevents them from just hopping in the shower - like my foot surgery. This Little House on the Prairie of washing out of a sink is for the birds. AND remembering to have all the suff at arms length is another. All the "stuff" in the shower now has to be on top of the sink, and heaven help if you forget something. Stopping what you are doing, turning around and "just grabbing it" are out of the question! Yell for Bill!!! So the next time you all are showering - letting that refreshing, warming water run down your face, back, - well you get the picture :-) ----just remember to be grateful that you have that..... I will again.....soon!!!!!!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

This I truly know for sure: It is very depressing to be along on Thanksgiving. Don't get me wrong, I am not alone, my husband is here. But by alone, I mean your children and grandchildren. When I decided to have the foot surgery, I knew it would be an almost certainty that Thanksgiving would be just us and thought I had reconciled with that. But, alas, with it being Thanksgiving Day and our BIG Thanksgiving dinner will be Cracker Barrel's take-out Thanksgiving dinner, well it is very hard.

Having said that :-) I do wish each and everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving! I wish for my children to be laughing and stuffing their face with turkey and pumpkin pie. I truly am a blessed woman and today I shall not forget that! My children are all wonderful, my grandchildren are the best, and I have great friends. I have a sister that makes me pee my pants because we laugh so hard, a neice who is like my daughter, and a nephew who is serving our Country in Afghastan.

So today is a day to be thankful for everyone and everything that passes through our lives.
Phil. 1-3 --- I thank my God every time I remember you.

Have a blessed day!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Birthday

Today is November 26th --- Today is the Birthday of my youngest son and that would make him the baby :-) As I have told him no matter how old he is, he will always be the baby - whether he likes it or not!

Today is a Birthday milestone for him: 30 Years Old! That would be three decades. So which sounds older 30 years or three decades? To me 30 years old is SO very young....To his students, 30 years old is ANCIENT! To him turning 30....well he will have to tell you that. But no matter how you say it it still is HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEPHEN!!!!!!!!! Have a wonderful, restful, peaceful day! But then having 3 sons of his own - doubt that will happen!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Very Disappointed

Went to the doctors today and was told that I have three more weeks of non-weight bearing! I will still have fall decorations up in the house the middle of December! The doctor had said "You can have this surgery on Friday and be back to work on Tuesday" - AND he said again today, "Yes, he could see patients, but he wouldn't be able to do surgery on crutches". I wanted to slap him right there. So I did what any respectable woman would do -- I cried! Two tables down there was a woman waiting to see the doctor, and she got up and got me kleenex! What am I going to do without exercise for 5 weeks? Sitting on my butt for 5 weeks sure isn't going to help the cause. Probably a good thing that I am diabetic or I am sure I would be eating bon-bons all day long - No I would go for M&M Peanuts..... And today I know for sure if I had this to do over, I would call a do over! But I also know for sure, that I can't call a do over & I will have to re-find my positive attitude and take one day at a time!!!!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

My First Post

Happy Thanksgiving 2008! I am recooperating from foot surgery, so will not be cooking any Thanksgiving dinner this year! I have watched way too much TV and way too much of the Cooking Channel, and I know this because I "smell" the turkey! I guess it is time to start watching more CSI or something!

We did have Chinese food last night, and, of course, the reading of the fortune cookies! Now normally they are something cheesy or telling you that your millions will show up the 2nd Tuesday of next week, but mine had a really special one, and I thought I would share with you all:

Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings while the dawn is still dark ----

I thought that was really cool and see what you all think!