Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Think Twice

OK! Having foot surgery has had lots of learning -- lots of negative unfortunately and some positive. AND I truly am ashamed of myself for the negative being more powerful on the scale. I truly am on the positive end of the scale. Having said that---- Christmas season - shopping --- let's see -- Target, Wal-Mart -- great shopping places for me. Now in all of this, I have a wheelchair & a temp handicap sticker....Easy you say.....Well Bill's parks, goes into the stores, asks for the motorized chairs --- Guess What???? Already in use! OK. Bill comes back out, we get the wheelchair out, or one the store already has. Now what I would like to do is just to rumble around the store by myself, but I can't do that cause I don't have a cart & I have a manual wheelchair, so.............Bill & I stroll....Now the kicker - have you been waiting for this in all this rambling??????

In my life, I have always battled with weight. So in my house our "F" word was Fat & we never used that word..... But the people who were using the motorized wheelchairs were the overweight people. Now, I should not be judgemental - maybe they had health reasons, and if they did, I'm truly sorry! OK so maybe it was just as hard for them to walk as it was me, so I should not be judgemental.......

AND - another thing! We are talking about the wheelchair/handicap thing: I go to the bathroom in Target (in a wheelchair) and where am I to go.....the handicap stall....BUT, Oh Wait..someone is already in there, so I sit, and sit, and sit. I try to go in another one, but wheelchair doesn't cooperate! A Target employee says, "You can go in the Family Bathroom" & helps me out and I go there.

Moral of the story: I have gone in the handicap stall, even if the other stalls were empty, but after this, I won't be doing that anymore! Just a lesson in humility & one that makes one say......I truly am so fortunate and grateful!!!!!!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Happy Friday! Today is my DIL's birthday. So happy birthday Megan!!! Have a wonderful day!!!!!

A major accomplishment! Today I have all my fall stuff put away! Yeah!!! What a relief - now we will be trying to put up some Christmas stuff & at this rate it will be February before it comes down :-)

Had to be out of the house yesterday for a stress test, and once I got out I didn't want to come back home. It was WONDERFUL being out and being around people again! Bill said I talked to anyone and everyone & a lot of people said "Oh you poor thing, having that boot on at the holidays" and then the conversation would start! My son Sean & fam skyped last evening, and I talked their ear off. Another thing you don't know you miss until you don't have it: Conversation......

Have a great day & smile :-) Light a candle. Pray for world peace and for inner peace, which is where all peace begins.

Monday, December 1, 2008


My DIL Jen told me she could hear the depression in my posts, so I promised her I would be more upbeat -- thanks for caring Jen :-)

Today is the 1st day of December, and to say the lease I am feeling a bit overwhelmed at Christmas being right around the corner. So I am taking a deep breath and have decided that what gets done, gets done and that that doesn't, just doesn't! Very profound, yes????

I was reading an article in yesterday's Sunday paper which addressed this very issue. I'm thinking God put in there just for me to read. It had lots of good things, and I may share with you all of them, but today the one that struck me was this one.

What to cut on your holiday list:

Anything that isn't meaningful, magical, or memorable. Anything that doesn't bring you or anyone else joy, peace or love.

Now I know we will all try to do that, and then before you know it we will be caught up in the whirlwind. I just thought it was a beautiful statement and wanted to share.