Saturday, January 31, 2009


When I was thinking of a title for this blog - since I have not posted in awhile - this is what came to me. And I really thought what a strange title - maybe it is because in the midst of the cold temperatures, the sun is shining. It is totally deceiving because you think you could walk outside with a sweatshirt on. Well let me tell you if you did that, you would freeze your hind quarter off!!!!! OUCH!!!!

So with the beginning of February tomorrow, I"m betting that you can count on lollipops way before you can sunshine. And before February 2, Mr. Groundhog Phil had better do the right thing or I may go after him. After all, I don't live that far from PA!

In the meantime, keep smiling because spring is not that far off. OH!!!! and one more thing I have to say about tomorrow - being Super Bowl Sunday & being a Cleveland Browns fan & that would be.......................................GO CARDINALS...........................

Monday, January 26, 2009


You might be proud to know that becoming more and more independent the older that I get.

You might be surprised to know that I..... wanted to be a kindergarden school teacher

You might already know that I..... think family is everything

You should probably know that I..... am getting a tattoo for my 65th birthday -- asa then can design a SSS design that doesn't look like a snake or superman! Next to my heart!

You may not believe it when I tell you that I........have a hissy fit when my children have multiple phones, and I cannot get them to answer when I need them to!

You might have always wondered why I.....make excuses for those that I love

You might think "it figures" when you consider that I..... usually go to the child or sister who needs me the most

You might wonder about my sanity if you knew that I......had to think about this question :-)

You might think I'm weird if you knew that I.....realized that at this age (64) there is nobody on this earth that can tell me what I can or cannot do.....and how liberating that it is!

You might laugh to know that Facebook --- come be my friend :-)

You might roll your eyes when you know that I... in all surroundings that I really WANT to be me NOT who you want me to be

Come join the fun --- Thanks Tammi -----

Friday, January 16, 2009

OOOOPS........Foiled Again

Don't tell me not to be sad today :-( Cause I thought
I would be rid of this thing called a "boot". Let me
tell you....IF I was going to be wearing a boot, it wouldn't be this thing in the picture. But after the PT visit, this boot will be with me for a few more weeks. It's like now I have to train my brain to walk again after I have not walked in 8+ weeks...OK NOT in the overall picture that the surgeon outlined for me. IF, and I do mean IF, progress goes WELL, in another 8 weeks from today....YOU HEARD ME.... I should be walking as I would have before this surgery. As Charlie Brown would say..."AAAAAAARGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH" And that's all I have to say about that!!!! BLEEEGGGHHH

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Snow, Snow, and More Snow

Well I know it is January and it is suppose to be cold and snowy but it is getting rediculous! It is
going to be very, very cold here in Ohio and seems like everywhere else too! So I am sending out a bouquet of flowers for everyone to help endure the cold! Have some coffee, hot chocolate or whatever warms you and this too shall pass! Enjoy!!!!!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

YEAH!!!! Finally coming to an End!!!!!!

OK give me a week to 10 days and I'm gonna be shouting!!! Went to the Doctor today & things are GREAT..... I will wear the boot for another 7 - 10 days and after that resume life as a normal person. Well that is stretching it a bit :-) I CAN DRIVE AGAIN!!!! Hallujah & Amen... Freedom... Unexplainable.........

Thanks for all the prayers. God is truly Great.... Even tho I have been less than grateful at times during this ordeal. So today as my back, legs, foot, etc... hurt because I really did too much .....The end of near and I am truly grateful.

Snow is here and more to come in the amount of 4 - 8 inches & grocery shopping is done & we are warm and snug & no where to go So Let it Snow................................

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Christmas and New Year

Hope everyone had a wonderful and blessed Christmas and your start of 2009 has been great so far. We spent Christmas in Georgia with two of our three sons and 5 of our 7 grandbabies. It is so wonderful to see the awe and wonder in children's eyes at Christmas time. Nothing quite like it, and especially when it is your grandchildren!!!!

Tomorrow I go to the Doctor and pray that my surgical boot comes off! Come On Doc!!!!!! Give me the news I NEED to hear. So everyone pray HARD!!!! I will be so disappointed if he says this boot has to stay on longer.......but think positive!!!!!

Am behind in posting and it is kinda boring, but will get better & hopefully more clever. My son showed me how to do some pics & things, and when the dust settles, I'll see if I remember. As you notice, he also set my tunes up....and will add and change IF I can remember how :-)

Till later........................................