Monday, January 26, 2009


You might be proud to know that becoming more and more independent the older that I get.

You might be surprised to know that I..... wanted to be a kindergarden school teacher

You might already know that I..... think family is everything

You should probably know that I..... am getting a tattoo for my 65th birthday -- asa then can design a SSS design that doesn't look like a snake or superman! Next to my heart!

You may not believe it when I tell you that I........have a hissy fit when my children have multiple phones, and I cannot get them to answer when I need them to!

You might have always wondered why I.....make excuses for those that I love

You might think "it figures" when you consider that I..... usually go to the child or sister who needs me the most

You might wonder about my sanity if you knew that I......had to think about this question :-)

You might think I'm weird if you knew that I.....realized that at this age (64) there is nobody on this earth that can tell me what I can or cannot do.....and how liberating that it is!

You might laugh to know that Facebook --- come be my friend :-)

You might roll your eyes when you know that I... in all surroundings that I really WANT to be me NOT who you want me to be

Come join the fun --- Thanks Tammi -----

1 comment:

Wanda..... said...

What is it about being your own boss in our sixties. "Let me do what I want to do!" I too will be 64 in March and feel unlimited. I think it finally sunk in that my kids are doing fine on their own and I am free to be Me. Thank you for your comment, I appreciate your visits and there will be no more snow dances, this winter anyway! Enjoy your haircut!