Monday, June 29, 2009


This is Samantha: AKA: Sammi - Sam ------ They broke the mold when she was born! She is such a character. More about Sam later, but as I was thinking, she is the only one of my grandchildren that are not on the blog. So I wanted you to meet Sammi!!!!!!!!

This is Sammi and older sister Sloan on their way to school. They are "The Girls" as I call them. Typical sisters - love each other one minute - screeming at each other the next! God bless my son and DIL in the years to come. My son had better have a BIG baseball bat to beat the boys off :-) No never mind - Sammi will probably do that!!!!

Gramma loves you girls & misses you even more!


Wanda..... said...

Sammi and Sloan make a great duo...same smile...they will be grown before you know it.

Anonymous said...

What a pair, they just get cuter and cuter!


Emily said...

What cute cousins I have!!!