Friday, August 14, 2009


This post is for my Grandbabies: All 7 of them - from 14 years to 2 years: Check what Gramma had in her backyard!!!

Gramma always checks out the hummingbirds each morning when she opens the blinds.....well this morning the sunshine was shining just the right way and look what I found! Not the bushes, but.....................

but a second web right next to the hummingbird feeder! I hurried up and grabbed my camera, and never thought they would turn out enough to share with you, but I think you can see that Gramma's Charlotte did a pretty good job. Now it doesn't spell anything about Wilbur, but I'm just sure Gramma's Charlotte was a busy spider all night long & wonder if Gramma's Charlotte did both webs????????

Whichever it was, you have to admit that those spiders were busy, busy, busy! I thought the hummingbird would get tangled in the web, but fortunately that didn't happen! Gramma would have to have rescured her. Or him! :-)

So to all my Grandbabies, and you Charlotte fans ----Enjoy Gramma's Charlotte's Webs!!!!

1 comment:

Wanda..... said...

Your Charlotte's Webs show up great Sue...the spider was nice to pick the perfect spot for you to make your unique picture. If you enlarge the third photo, you can see both webs.

Have a good weekend Sue!