Thursday, June 25, 2009

Emmily's Recital

My Granddaughter Emily's recital was on June 5th and these are a few photos. The theme this year was Dancing Decades. She said I would especially like the finale because there was an Elvis song. That girl know her Gramma! She was in 5 dances. Each year she gains another. God bless her Mom & Dad for the expense of those costumes! She has been dancing for 8 years now and says she will go through High School!
These are not in order - I'll learn how to do this someday! The blue T-shirt is her finale number - Jazz & Tap - Love the Hip Hop outfit & 'really' love the "Goldie Hawn" look-a-like outfit with the white boots! It was a LONG night, but we had fun!
How long was it you asked?????The first act had 40 numbers - then a 15 minute intermission - and Act Two had 29 numbers, and then the Finale. Each number was about 3 minutes long -- I'll let you do the math!!!! But we are done UNTIL next year when she will probably have 7 or 8 dances!


Wanda..... said...

Hi Sue, it's nice to see a post from you...Hope things are good.
You must be very proud of Emily and Kyle...Both look exceptionally nice and good looking.
My youngest g/daughter 6 takes dance I just attended her recital and was going to post her photo sometime...Those dance costumes can be expensive...Emily looks very cute in all of hers.
A few of my grandsons try to shy away from the camera too.
Take care Sue.

Anonymous said...

Emily looks pretty cute in all her costumes. I can now have sympathy for the long concerts, Lauren's was 3 hours and 15 minutes long and she was only on stage for about 3 minutes!
