OK! Having foot surgery has had lots of learning -- lots of negative unfortunately and some positive. AND I truly am ashamed of myself for the negative being more powerful on the scale. I truly am on the positive end of the scale. Having said that---- Christmas season - shopping --- let's see -- Target, Wal-Mart -- great shopping places for me. Now in all of this, I have a wheelchair & a temp handicap sticker....Easy you say.....Well Bill's parks, goes into the stores, asks for the motorized chairs --- Guess What???? Already in use! OK. Bill comes back out, we get the wheelchair out, or one the store already has. Now what I would like to do is just to rumble around the store by myself, but I can't do that cause I don't have a cart & I have a manual wheelchair, so.............Bill & I stroll....Now the kicker - have you been waiting for this in all this rambling??????
In my life, I have always battled with weight. So in my house our "F" word was Fat & we never used that word..... But the people who were using the motorized wheelchairs were the overweight people. Now, I should not be judgemental - maybe they had health reasons, and if they did, I'm truly sorry! OK so maybe it was just as hard for them to walk as it was me, so I should not be judgemental.......
AND - another thing! We are talking about the wheelchair/handicap thing: I go to the bathroom in Target (in a wheelchair) and where am I to go.....the handicap stall....BUT, Oh Wait..someone is already in there, so I sit, and sit, and sit. I try to go in another one, but wheelchair doesn't cooperate! A Target employee says, "You can go in the Family Bathroom" & helps me out and I go there.
Moral of the story: I have gone in the handicap stall, even if the other stalls were empty, but after this, I won't be doing that anymore! Just a lesson in humility & one that makes one say......I truly am so fortunate and grateful!!!!!!
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening
12 years ago